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Event Supervisors

Event supervisors are a dedicated set of volunteers who prepare, facilitate and score each tournament event in accordance with the event rules. 

Volunteer Sign-Up

This page provides event supervisors with the resources to develop challenging, hands-on activities and events for Ohio Science Olympiad participants. Utilizing the resources and materials on this page will also provide a consistent experience for all.

State Tournament Test Writing Review Timeline for Event Supervisors

September and October Event supervisor recruitment by the volunteer coordinator

November Creation of draft written exams by event supervisors

December 23 Event supervisors submit draft written exams to the event quality coordinator

January 13 Event supervisors receive feedback on their written exam draft

February 17 Event supervisors submit revised written exams based on review feedback

March 10 Event supervisors receive feedback on their revised exam

March 24 If further revisions were requested, event supervisors submit the final version of their exam

April 4 All events sent to Ohio State for copying

Who are event reviewers and what do they look for when reviewing exams?

Event reviewers are individuals with both Science Olympiad experience and subject-matter expertise in their specific event. They use a standardized checklist to review written exams for items such as compliance with the rules, answer key accuracy and appropriate overall difficulty. Specific criteria include:

  1. Rule changes have been addressed
  2. Tests conform to the specs of the event
  3. Tests are appropriate difficulty level for the division
  4. Questions separate levels of performance
  5. The test is a new test, not one used at prior competitions
  6. Questions are appropriate to the time length of the event
  7. Questions only include appropriate topics (example: state competitions do not include national topics)
  8. Questions represent appropriate proportions in the event rules
  9. Tiebreaker(s) is/are clearly indicated
  10. Each question is clear and has plausible distractors
  11. The answer key is correct and there is only one “right” answer when appropriate